Tuesday April 13th, 2021

7:00pm – 8:00pm

*This webinar can be used as continuing education credit when renewing your BCTRA membership*

Our presenters ask that participants bring their favourite sensory items (a cozy blanket, wear PJs, essential oil/perfume to smell, a pet for companionship). Essentially, they would like you to feel comfortable and relaxed during their presentation. Participants are free to show off their dog/cat/hamster on camera and enjoy their drink of choice for the evening (tea or hot chocolate etc.).



It is essential for a TR practitioner to regulate their emotions during the work day to effectively perform daily tasks, be able to respond to clients in a professional, courteous, and helpful manner, and to reduce the risk of burn-out. Self-care practices rooted in compassion and self-acceptance such as positive affirmations can boost one’s morale in the workplace environment. Furthermore, monitoring one’s thoughts can reduce negative emotions, and specialized breathing techniques can further alleviate one’s bodily and psychological stress caused by internal and external factors. The participants will learn more about on-site self-care practices as well as what one can do at home to practice self-care.

After the session, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe common signs of emotional exhaustion in themselves or among their staff members
  2. Describe healthy work habits to prevent burnout/emotional exhaustion
  3. Define the parameters that entail proper self-care

Documents: Professional Quality of Life Scale_CF Self Assessment Self Care Plan Worksheet

Presented by: Karen Tyrell

Monday November 23rd, 2020

12:00pm – 1:30pm PST


This webinar has been pre-approved by NCTRC for .15 CEU or 1.5 Contact Hours of Continuing Education.

NCTRC Job Analysis Codes: FKW, ADV