UBC Dementia Forum on Saturday January 26th

Paul’s Club has been invited to participate with a booth at this year’s UBC Dementia Forum on Saturday January 26th. If you were not aware of the Forum, attached is the Agenda. As you will see, Dr Alison Phinney will be making a presentation entitled “Pauls Club: Making a Difference for Younger People with Dementia.” […]

Music Care Conference

There is a “Music Care Conference” taking place November 10th 2012 at the University of Toronto. This is the 4th such conference offered and is organized by the “Room 217 Foundation.” This one-day conference brings together nurses, Personal Support Workers, Recreation Therapists, Music Therapists, Spiritual Care, Family Caregivers, Physicians, Grief Counselors, Music Lovers, Music Educators, and Teachers. Keynote Speakers: […]

BCTRA AGM and Education Day

AGM AND EDUCATION DAY- Friday, November 2 2012 Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, Gymnasium (second floor) 8:30 – 9 a.m. Registration and Coffee 9 – 9:15 a.m. Welcoming Remarks 9:15-11:30 a.m. Setting the Bar High: A Symposium on Enhancing TR Practice Presented by Maria Dinney, Recreation Therapist, Vancouver Island Healthy Authority, and BCTRA Regulation […]

University of Toronto’s – Institute for Life Course and Aging

University of Toronto’s Institute for Life Course and Aging Sent on behalf of the Canadian Association on Gerontology: Aging in a Changing World 41st Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting October 18 - 20, 2012 Vancouver, BC The Canadian Association on Gerontology is pleased to announce that registration is now open for CAG2012: Aging in a […]

TR Research Network – Teleconference

BCTRA Members, you are invited to join a teleconference on the “TR Research Network Project: Uncovering Shared Language and Common Identity Among TR Practitioners” When:  Thursday June 7th 2012 from noon to 1 p.m. (please note change of date from June 5th to the 7th) Speakers:  Kellie Duckworth, BTR,CTRS; Sheri Keller, BARA; Brenda Kinch, BTR,CTRS; Colleen […]