BCTRA AGM and Education Day

AGM AND EDUCATION DAY- Friday, November 2 2012 Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, Gymnasium (second floor) 8:30 – 9 a.m. Registration and Coffee 9 – 9:15 a.m. Welcoming Remarks 9:15-11:30 a.m. Setting the Bar High: A Symposium on Enhancing TR Practice Presented by Maria Dinney, Recreation Therapist, Vancouver Island Healthy Authority, and BCTRA Regulation […]

University of Toronto’s – Institute for Life Course and Aging

University of Toronto’s Institute for Life Course and Aging Sent on behalf of the Canadian Association on Gerontology: Aging in a Changing World 41st Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting October 18 - 20, 2012 Vancouver, BC The Canadian Association on Gerontology is pleased to announce that registration is now open for CAG2012: Aging in a […]

TR Research Network – Teleconference

BCTRA Members, you are invited to join a teleconference on the “TR Research Network Project: Uncovering Shared Language and Common Identity Among TR Practitioners” When:  Thursday June 7th 2012 from noon to 1 p.m. (please note change of date from June 5th to the 7th) Speakers:  Kellie Duckworth, BTR,CTRS; Sheri Keller, BARA; Brenda Kinch, BTR,CTRS; Colleen […]