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Introducing the Centre of Excellence in Continuing Care

March 29, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

SAVE THE DATE! March lunch and learn webinar -Introducing the Centre of Excellence for TR in Continuing Care

Presenter: Dr. Sienna Caspar

Tuesday March,  28th at 12 pm PST.

Description: Come to this session to discover how the Centre Excellence for Therapeutic Recreation in Continuing Care (TRCoE) hopes to inspire and advocate for quality TR services in continuing care settings! The TRCoE promotes research, innovation, and person-centred care by developing evidence-based, applied resources designed to support TR professionals. In this session, participants will learn how the TRCoE engages in knowledge translation and mobilization by offering e-learning opportunities to earn CEUs pre-approved by the NCTRC. Participants will also learn about the online forums within the TRCoE that provide a space to network, share resources and exchange programming ideas. We are excited to share how this not-for-profit organization aims to help ensure residents in continuing care experience a high quality of life through an enhanced sense of meaning, purpose, and joy!

  • Participants will understand the results of the Delphi study exploring the development of the TRCoE
  • Participants will understand how and why the TRCoE was developed and implemented
  • Participants will gain knowledge about the resources available on the TRCoE and how these may assist them in their provision of evidenced-based practice in TR in continuing care settings.

*NCTRC pre-approval pending

Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwsfu2qqT4qH905Ii0ufy1RIpM_99N4P5_L

Evaluation https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Es1ENbinqFIHuuSRsgSMbvLPMmVvZQR1/view?usp=share_link


March 29, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm