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Flow Finders – The Life Changing Magic of True Engagement

April 26, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Tuesday April 26th 12:00pm PST

Webinar: Flow Finders – The Life Changing Magic of True Engagement : How to help others hack flow state and improve their well-being.  

Presented by Meagan Young, CTRS

Session Descriptions:

Have you ever been so absorbed in an activity that you lost track of time and felt your worries melt away? Can you recall an experience when your skills perfectly matched the intensity of the challenge at hand and it felt effortless? If what I am describing is an experience you are familiar with, according to Positive Psychologist Dr. Mihily Csikszentmihalyi you have found the secret to happiness – Flow.

Flow State is the gold standard for measuring true engagement and research has proven that when we tap into flow state we experience numerous health and well-being related outcomes. During this session we will dive deep into new and innovative flow research and how to take intentional action to access flow state, improving the quality of life for those you serve.

Length of Session: 1.5 hrs

Learning Outcomes:

  • Participants will be able to define flow state and three ways it can support well-being.
  • Participants will be able to identify the right elements of flow and how to access it.
  • Participants will be able to identify how to identify ideal flow environments, activities and goals while facilitating flow experiences for the clients they work with.

NCTRC Job Analysis – Knowledge Areas Identified

  1. Contributions of play, recreation, and leisure to health, and well-being (e.g., flow theory, benefits, quality of life). (FKW)
  2. Current TR/RT assessment instruments. (FKW)
  3. Individualized intervention plan (e.g., identification of problems, strategies for treatment, modalities). (DOC)
  4. Selection of programs, activities and interventions to achieve the assessed needs of the person(s) served. (IMP)

To register: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAod-6grTIuGtK3rf2dvs6wCJuTmHLiTh8F

evaluation form 2022- flow finders




April 26, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
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Jenna Johnstone BCTRA Director of Education