

Our board and team of volunteers from within our membership come from regions across the province and bring expertise from all different areas of practice in our field. As a result, those leading BCTRA forward form a broad collective that has their fingers on the pulse of therapeutic recreation across the province.

2023-2024 Board of Directors:
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Ian MacLeod Co-President

Hello BCTRA Members! I am excited to be continuing as BCTRA co-president with Jenna Johnstone and working with the BCTRA board of directors in 2024. I have volunteered with BCTRA in numerous roles since 2018, I am grateful for the relationships I have formed with other BCTRA volunteers over the past 6 years, and I am proud of the work that we have completed together. I am passionate about the role of recreation therapy in the field of mental health and substance use and I am proud to hold a specialization area designation in behavioural health through NCTRC. When I am not at work, I am an avid cyclist and can be found on my skis in the winter months.

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Jenna Johnstone Co-President

I have been previously involved with the Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association as central director, secretary and president-elect as well as the older adult Community of practice co-chair. My experience as a Recreation Therapist has mainly been serving older adults. I am passionate about using non-pharmacological interventions first to support health and well-being. I am also passionate about learning and finding ways to help others increase their toolbox. It is my belief that through ongoing professional development, self-reflection, feedback and research we help elevate and advance the TR profession. I teach both dance and dance inspired fitness classes and take classes for myself. I enjoy my morning process which helps me be in alignment of how I want to show up each day and to make sure that I fill my cup first before serving others. I enjoy researching and reading journal articles. I like leisurely walks in nature, a cup of coffee, fitness and exercise, good company and a good book.

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Inge Neumeyer Secretary-Treasurer

I am thrilled to be a part of a great team to service the members of BCTRA. I started volunteering on the Education Committee to support the behind-the-scenes work in providing webinars related to recreation therapy practice. I am looking forward to diving into my role on the Board of Directors as Secretary/Treasurer and working on the many great initiatives already underway. I am committed to working collaboratively to advance the profession forward. I completed my BA in Therapeutic Recreation from the University of Waterloo in 2008 and a Master of Public Health in 2016. My work experience in recreation therapy has mostly been focused on older adults in Long Term Care and Adult Day Programs. More recently, I have taken on a leadership role focused on improving practice. In my free time, I love hiking the North Shore mountains to find big trees or running near the ocean. I am also learning to ski again and have found a new love in ceramics.

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Geri Paterson Immediate Past President

I am excited to continue working with my fellow BCTRA Board members to advocate for, and advance, the field and profession of therapeutic recreation.

As a Board we accomplished a lot over the past 2 years! In particular, we developed a strong brand for BCTRA giving us a clear identity and direction, created a suite of promotional tools for the practice of therapeutic recreation and updated our website. This year our focus is supporting members during the continuing pandemic and moving forward with strong advocacy efforts to ensure that the government and employers know the value and benefit of therapeutic recreation services.

I’m an ardent supporter of physical recreation in all people’s lives. It has always played a big role in my life and as I read more and more research extolling its benefits, not only its physiological benefits, but also its benefits for brain health, I’m motivated to continue to have it play a central role in my leisure. Currently walking, baking, reading, and zoom meet ups with family and friends gives me wonderful opportunities to experience “flow”. Post-pandemic I look forward to pursuing more travel adventures!

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Katie Heckman Director of Membership

Hello BCTRA members! In early 2022, I joined the Regulations Task Group and was inspired by the work that was being done to advance our profession. I am so excited to join the Board of Directors to continue to advocate for, and advance our field! I graduated from Brock University in the fall of 2016 and made my way to British Columbia. Professionally, I am passionate about carving out new Recreation Therapy roles in acute care and have worked predominately in mental health and dementia care. Outside of work, I can be found in the pottery studio, in the mountains or at the beach with my dog.

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Jozen Diguangco Director of Communications

Hello BCTRA! As your Director of Communications, I am excited to serve and support such an integral part of our profession. As a recent graduate of the Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation degree program, I am passionate about connecting with past, present ,and future practitioners. I am dedicated to advocating for our field, and firmly believe that Therapeutic Recreation has the power to help people become well by engaging in meaningful and purposeful leisure.

I definitely practice what I preach, so in my leisure time, you can find me hiking or snowboarding our beautiful mountains, hitting up my favorite Spin studio, or travelling with my family. I am looking forward to my time on the board, and hope to get to know more of you in the field.

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Lauren Swan Director of Education

Hello BCTRA members! Hailing from Metchosin BC (40minutes South of Victoria), I am looking forward to being the new Director of Education. I am hoping to make new connections and expand my knowledge-base while broadening the education offerings for our members. I graduated with a Bachelors of Therapeutic Recreation from Douglas College in 2020, sitting the NCTRC exam the same year. My experience ranges from adaptive sports, community health, dementia care and most recently working in outpatient neuro rehab! During my leisure time, I can be found exploring our beautiful backcountry with my hiking boots or on skis, making homemade cards, or cozying up with a good book and mug of tea!

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Ian Macleod Director at Large

Hello BCTRA Members! I am excited to be continuing my involvement with BCTRA as co-President, sharing the role with Jenna Johnstone, while continuing to provide leadership to the regulations portfolio. I have previously been involved with BCTRA as the Northern Ambassador. I graduated from Brock University in the Fall of 2013 and soon after moved from my home province of Nova Scotia to British Columbia. I am passionate about the role of Recreation Therapy in the field of mental health and substance use and have been fortunate to have worked in inpatient psychiatric and rehabilitation sites across the province. When not at work, I am an avid cyclist and enjoy riding Vancouver’s bike lanes. In the winter, I can be found on my skis.

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Jenna Makgill Student Liaison

Hello BCTRA members! I’m delighted to introduce myself as the student liaison between Douglas College and BCTRA. Originally hailing from New Zealand, I’ve found my second home in Canada, captivated by its mountains and endless possibilities. My love for an active lifestyle and exploring the outdoors drew me to this beautiful country. I thrive on connecting with people and building meaningful relationships. I am honored with the opportunity to work closely with both institutions to foster connections within the Therapeutic Recreation community. I see this role as an exciting opportunity to contribute, collaborate, and make a positive impact. Eager to embark on this journey, I look forward to the experiences, growth, and meaningful connections that the future holds.

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Geri Briggs-Simpson Director At Large: Regional Ambassador Program

Bio coming soon!

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Lauren Knapton Director At Large: Promotion & Advocacy

Hi there BCTRA! I am excited and grateful to join this inspiring group of Board of Directors. I became the Interior Regional Ambassador and was on the Strategic Planning Committee. From this work, I was inspired to get more involved with BCTRA and am excited to continue the incredible advocacy work established. I graduated from the Douglas College Degree program in 2018 and passed my NCTRC exam in 2020. I have moved around since graduation going from North Vancouver to Calgary and now living in Kelowna. Professionally, I have had the privilege to work as a Recreation Therapist with Older Adults in both Long Term Care, Short Stay Transition & Assisted Living settings. On the weekends you can usually find me in my kitchen preparing for an elaborate dinner party for friends, doing yoga, spending time in nature, at a local brewery, thrift shopping, crafting or spending time with my amazing family & friends. I am honoured and grateful to be a member of the Board of Directors and I look forward to meeting more of the members in the future!”

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Caitlin MacGregor Director at Large: Education

Hi BCTRA! I’m thrilled to be joining the board. I have a huge amount of enthusiasm for our profession, and believe deeply that education is the key to moving our field forward. Back in Alberta, I was fortunate to work primarily in day rehab settings, where it was made clear how important our work was for keeping people active, involved in their communities, and in their own
homes. After graduating from the University of Lethbridge, I made my way out to the coast where I currently work with older adults. Finding the field of recreation was kismet – it’s a joy to work in a field that agrees that how you spend your leisure time is how you spend your life.

If that’s true, here’s how I spend my life: tennis, dogs, hiking, swimming, reading, and (mostly because I think I look cool) riding motorcycles.

I’m very much looking forward to connecting with you all!

Regions & Ambassadors

A Regional Ambassador represents a specific region of British Columbia outside of Metro Vancouver. This individual acts as a liaison to the BCTRA Board of Directors. This is a volunteer position with a 2-year term open to both professional and supporting BCTRA members.

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Gerrit Dooris Regional Ambassador for Vancouver Island Region

Hello BCTRA members!

My name is Gerrit Dooris and I reside in the beautiful city of Campbell River on Vancouver Island. I will be completing my diploma in Therapeutic Recreation from Douglas College by the end of 2023. I am currently employed at Spark Therapy Group where I work with kids and youth who live with autism spectrum disorder. After graduating from the diploma program, I will be offering Recreation Therapy to my clients and their families. I am excited to be able to offer this much needed type of support, and I look forward to helping grow Recreation Therapy services on Vancouver Island.

During our downtime, my family and I enjoy taking advantage of the natural recreation activities we have, including hiking, swimming, and skating.

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Chery Bain Fraser Region Ambassador

This position is currently vacant. Please contact: regionalambassadors@bctra.org if you are interested in this role.

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Lisa Blair Interior Region Ambassador

Hi BCTRA! My name is Lisa! I am excited to join BCTRA as the Interior Region Ambassador.

I recently graduated from Norquest College (Edmonton) with the Recreation Therapy Diploma to complement my Bachelor of Physical Education that I received 20 years ago! Recreation Therapy is my 2nd career after working as an Athletic Therapist with the University of Alberta Varsity Athlete Program. After having my kids, I quickly realized I was much more passionate in health promotion and Leisure Education. I am currently working with Interior Health in a casual capacity with Long Term Care.

My family moved to Kelowna in 2020 from Edmonton, Alberta. We welcome all things outdoors and recreational, but look forward to skiing at Big White in the winter, mountain biking in the spring and fall, and boating and swimming in the summer. Our family enjoys 4 full seasons of the year!

I look forward to representing the Interior, and am eager to learn from the board of directors and other ambassadors

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Jennifer Davis Northern BC Region Ambassador

My name is Jennifer Davis, I was raised in Northern British Columbia and I began my career in 2009 when I graduated from the College of New Caledonia with a certificate in Long term Care/Home support.

I worked for The Northern Health Authority in both a Long Term Care facility and in 3 Mental Health and Addiction group homes. In 2013, I continued my studies and completed a diploma in Therapeutic Recreation from Saskatchewan Polytechnic (SIAST).

In 2015 my husband and I moved to Kelowna and I began working as a Recreation Therapy Worker at the Interior Health Authority and Baptist Housing. I am planning on continuing my education as I am passionate about Therapeutic Recreation as a profession and helping those in need.

A few of my interests and hobbies include hiking, gardening, painting, baking, camping, fishing and spending time with my family.

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Renee Reichert Vancouver Coastal Region Ambassador

After volunteering with the Education Committee, I am excited to join the board as the Vancouver Coastal Region Ambassador. I hope to engage members in this region to connect and collaborate.

I am a Douglas College graduate with a CTRS designation. I have experience in mental health and substance use, child and youth, as well as older adults in long-term care settings. I am constantly learning about new ways to support my clients to advocate for them and various social justice issues such as supporting the safe consumption of drugs. I love to provide safe, inclusive, trauma-informed programs using my creativity. I love taking every learning opportunity and just finished training in Motivational Interviewing skills, and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy basics.

My hobbies include maintaining my indoor jungle of tropical plants, knitting, embroidery and other fibre arts projects. I will never say no to a local East Vancouver coffee shop visit, love taking deep breaths in the forest for spiritual connection and try to support my community where I can, to create safe spaces for positive mental health and LGBTQ+ issues. And finally, I am a new bird watcher who loves to identify hawks!